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Halo Xbox - The Infamous Megg

Suggested by: Slasher-101, 31 Jul 2004 | Print version

(probably the best egg in the game)

1. Start the 1st mission: PoA on "legendary"
2. When you get out of your 'cryo tube' at the begining, turn around and jump on top of the cryo tube.
3. Jump from there, onto the 'shield-tester' and then onto the walk way.
4. Walk down towards a stack of large cylinder, tank things and jump from the walk way ONTO the YELLOW one (you MUST jump ONTO that one) or it won't work.
5. Get off and play the level normally from there. When you get the pistol from Keyes, go kill the 3 'covernant grunts' and go through the door to pick up the AR.
6. Go back to the bridge and kill someone that is standing (without a headshot) and run out of the bridge.
7. Run to the door that is now locked (Cortana will say: "The Master Chief has gone rampant!" Make sure you see the invincible marines run into the bridge without them seeing you.
8. They will say stuff like "Where did he go?" run towards where the marines came from. There should be only 1 marine still there. Run past him and through the open door. (It is only open if you did it all right. You get into a big room where there is a bloody heart on the ceiling with a big 'M' made in bullet holes. You will be sfe from the marines in here, they won't come in.
9. The 'M' stands for Megg, the level designer's girlfriend. I got stuck with the invincible marines, but eventually I got there. So you probably won't get it the 1st time.

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