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Nokia Cellphone Space Impact - Space Impact Infinity

Suggested by: Alfonso Sevilla, 05 Mar 2006 | Print version

I: Infinite Shield

1. Start this game
2. You will notice that there is something around your ship. This is the shield.
3. While in the game, every 2.5 seconds, pause your game and continue again. Always do this repeatedly and you'll find that you have INFINITE SHIELD!!! You can even just go through your enemies and kill them.

II: The Infinite Score

In the egg mentioned above: "Infinte Shield" you can finish all levels. In the level before last, kill the mother/main enemy, and make sure your shield is still there. Then, scroll your ship at the center and shoot. Do the procedure of Egg Infinite Score to make you still get on that level coz once your shield remove, you will be promoted to the next level and will not enjoy the egg on that level. Now, as you shoot, you will find that you are gaining scores!

Just make sure you got a full bat.

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