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Game Boy Advance - Where's Nintendo?

Suggested by: CheatDonar, 11 Jul 2006 | Print version

1. Turn on the gameboy with a game pak inserted
2. As the letters are being flung to the screen, press START + SELECT
3. You should hear a sound and the Nintendo(R) will disappear. The game pak will not start.
4. If you want to play the game, press a direction on the + control pad, A, or B. The logo will reappear with a sound and the game will start.

The was only tested on a GBA SP
The cartridge MUST be an advance.
This was probably programmed in because of "Single Game Pak" games. The manual doesn't tell about this, but also says you must have a pak in when you turn it on (you don't - The NINTENDO will glitch on Adv. and Color.)

Comments | 2

Actually, that sets the GBA for start in "Multiboot" mode, to download code from another GBA via cable and run it from RAM. This is used for cable link games with a single Game Pak (for example: Sonic Advance) -- Tom, Mar 31 2007 4:43PM

Holding Start+Select prepares the GBA SP for hardware interaction. -- Ethan Graham, Mar 17 2007 8:58AM

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