Quake 3 Arena - Talky Talky with Crash

05 Jun 2003 | Sent in by Zackur

1. Start a new or loaded singleplayer game and start the first, training level (against crash)
2. Hit the ~ button to bring up the console.
3. Type in somehing like "hello!" (without quotes) and crash will talk back, sometimes...
4. The creator, Adiran Carmak, is friends with crash. type anything with that name in it, like " Adrian sucks!" and crash (or any other character) will talk back!

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Sailor Taurus - Jun 16 2007 4:36PM It happens with all characters, even custom ones. Bots can have pre-set messages coded into them for any occasion. For example, say anything sexual to a bot and they will say things along the lines of "take a cold shower".

This is also how they taunt the player during matches.