Grand Theft Auto 3 - Skip Through Islands, No Missions!

26 Oct 2003 | Sent in by Alex

Yes, you can go through the 3 islands without pratically not doing the missions! On the 1st island (to get to the 2nd) go on the Bridge type the Dodo and Improved car handling
Dodo-/ ->,R2,O,R1,L2,Down,L1,R1
I.C.H.-/ R1,L1,R2,L1,<-,R1,R1,Triangle

And jump/fly to the 2nd level.
To get to the 3rd Level
Go to the hostiple. Face the hostiple so that the Ambulences are to the left of you have the I.C.H cheat on and jump up on the roof. the to the left is a higher elevation of roof jump there. Then jump again across turn right and drive slowly towards the big blue cylendar thingy, stay to the left of the cylendar then as you reach the edge turn right quick. Your car will stop then fall down in a glitch. Then you end up in the tunnels underground. Drive till you reach a fork in the street turn left and end up in the 3rd level!

If you get "Busted" or "Wasted" you end up back at the 1st level.

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