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Halo - Rex Blood Signature

Suggested by: _FA_Hexidecimal, 28 Dec 2003 | Print version

In the Maw near the end right after you make the really big jump over the gap with the warthog. You start to go uphill again and over a smaller jump.

Instead of going over the smaller jump stop right before it. Let the front wheels of the warthog hang over the edge of the smaller jump. Once that is done get on top of the wart hog's rapid firing barrel gun and look to the right at the wall you should see a little slope. Jump onto the slope. It'll take a few tries to get it right but you'll get the hang of it.

Once your on top of the wall turn right and go jump down to the platform with the barrels on it. Turn to your left there should be door way inside of the wall you jumped down from.

Turn on your flashlight and go inside and look at the wall to the right you should see blood stains all over the wall. Look more observantly and you'll notice that the blood stains are letters which form the letters rex. I did some research and found out that these letters stand for the Lead art designer of Halo.

So there is your Easter egg. Also if you turn to the opposite wall of the rex wall you should see more blood stains. It looks like a picture but then again it doesn't.

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