Halo 2 - REX Signature

03 Aug 2006 | Sent in by Brendon

Go to the level Outskirts, and go to the sniper alley (the second one). When your there go to the right side of the alley and you should see a purple looking chair. Jump on it and look left and you should see a vent looking thing. Crouch jump on it. Then jump up onto the top roof of the building. Walk left and you should see a brown thing above a window. Jump on it. Then you will see a black strip connecting the buildings. Jump on it and don't fall down! Now look at the building you were on, and go strafe left on the black thing. You should see a broken wall. Jump into it and you will see blood on the ground with rocks having the REX signature. Bonus: You will also see a energy sword stabbed into the ground.

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