Minesweeper - Find Every Mine!

03 May 2000 | Sent in by Tomato Rocks

1: Start Minesweeper & type "xyzzy".
2: Draw the mouse across the blocks.
3: Go over a mine and the very top left-hand corner of the screen
will go black.
4: Place a flag on the spaces where this occurs.
5: Click on all other spaces as fast as possible to beat everyone else

Version: win31 game only.

Comments (3) Add your comment

shown - Aug 30 2007 11:57AM don't work on xp

mateczko - May 30 2007 1:47PM Works in the WinXP SP2, but you must the press the Right or Left Shift to works.

JSantos - May 2 2007 9:06PM This works in all versions of Minesweeper. You forgot that you have to press Left Shift after typing "xyzzy".