SBCG4AP E P 1 and 2 - Egg Collection

19 Oct 2008 | Sent in by Abdi LaRue

Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People. Wii or PC.

Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner

1. Bonus Dialogue (that is useless) from Marzipan.
a. Before burning down the float at Marzi's house, prank call her anywhere except her house or The Track.
b. After the conversation, go to the Track.

2. Strong Mad uses Total Load?
a. In the locker room (before framing Pom Pom), open the locker on the right and use the Total Load on Strong Mad's Lunchbox (pop-up text will be helpful for this).
b. Talk to Coach Z with the Total Load icon.

3. Alternate Pom Pom....framing...scenes.
a. Before the second race, put the Total Load in Pom Pom's bag.

4. Alternate Racing Scenes!
a. Each time you erase the results of the race (before winning it), you get a different intro to the race.

5. AaAaAaAa-nevermind
a. Prank call everyone with No-arm-whitey's cellphone.

6. Secret Shirt (a bear?)
a. Jump off the edge of the photo booth boundaried 3 times (walking 3rd time) and you will be upside down. Walk exactly under the door/portal and a jingle will play. You have a bear shirt!

Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free

1. Glowstick Katana?
a. While Pom Pom's Katana is still up there use the glowstick on it.

2. Peacey P's latest album!
a. After setting the pile of skulls on fire, observe it.

3. Here comes Lil' Brudder!
a. Before putting Tony Stony on the empty display, Lil' Brudder will sometimes be a result in the draft, making Homestar burst into tears.

4. Monster Origins.
a. Attempting to damage the body of Strong Mad's "monster" (with the katana) will allow you to find out its origins.

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