Zeldo Links Awakening GB - The Thief

28 Apr 2001 | Sent in by Mike

1. Go into the store at the beginning of the game.
2. Take what ever you what.
3. Move around the chekout counter in a clockwise direction trying to avoid the casheer looking at you and go out the door. (this takes practice)
4.You will get your stuff with out paying any ruppies!


your name will automatically change to thief and the next time you go in the store the casheer kills you by shocking you, and if you have the DX version, later on in the game when you get your picture taken you are shown steeling from the store when you look at your album.

This is for the Legend of Zeldo Links Awakening GameBoy version.

I am submitting this because I think it is a cool egg, but not a game cheet because it kills you in the end and thus does more harm than good (from a winning the game standpoint).

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