Zeldo Links Awakening GB - Screen Jump Hidden Rooms

Suggested by Anon - 21 Jul 2001

1. You MUST be playing the old Game Boy zelda not DX.
2. Go to the edge of the screen and tap the d-pad to go to the next screen.
3. Press start while the screen change is animating.
4. If you time it JUST right you will be in the same spot on the screen however you will be on that spot in the scren you just enterred!

It won't work on DX and if you do it you may bug up your game. but you can ge some cool things like yoyu can sudenly have a raft, keep the Fling rooster or the chick forever, or even enter hidden buggy rooms in dungens by geting stuck in a wall and walking off of it to an off screen "blank" room. you can use this to skip levels and bosses and get items that you cant get without other items. You can even get sucked into the sky if you do this in one of the top most screens. Well, its a cool egg, and... go to my site! lol its www.creepyguywithastick.com :)

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