Categories / Games

Jewels 2 - Collection

Suggested by: ZorkMan 2000, 22 Sep 2002 | Print version

1ST EGG: First Floor

Go to the room where you must climb a staircase to get to the puzzle on a table. Right when you enter, turn around. Click on the block to the far left. Vroom!

2ND EGG: Second Floor

Go to the room where you have to cross a bridge to get to a puzzle in a big box. Walk up to the puzzle. Click on the green statue to the left. Yikes!

3RD EGG: Third Floor

Go to the room where you have to enter doors to get to a puzzle where you must make a beetle push balls into a hole. When you enter, you'll see a brick to the right of the door. Click on it. Yum!

It should be reasonably easy to find the places I told you to click on, because the cursor will become active when you pass over them.

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