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Puddle of Mudd - Band Discussing Song

Suggested by: Anon, 19 Jul 2006 | Print version

At the end of "She (F***ing) Hates Me" by Puddle of Mudd (Album: Come Clean), after the singing ends, and the music is fading out, turn the volume up and you will hear (only in the right audio track/speaker) somebody laughing and singing "She f***ing hates meeee" mockingly, and you can hear the band talking for a few seconds. It will then fade out while the music continues.

THIS MAY NOT BE IN SOME VERSIONS. For me, it starts at 3 minutes, 13 seconds.

Comments | 1

It's in all versions. I have the edited version, and when they discuss the song he still says "F***ing" unedited. -- JT, Nov 30 2007 5:39AM

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