SAM Party DJ 3.0 - Registration Enticement

Suggested by: Devin 16 Feb 2007 Print version

When you open SAM Party DJ 3 (unregistered version), let it sit for about 5 mins without touching the controls. JJ Mkay (Voiceover) will auto play "be sure to register your copy of SAM at". When he does this, a picture of a bunny appears in the CD logo box and an advertisement appears.

Let the Advert sit for 3 mins EXACTLY, you will get no notice and while holding CTRL+ALT+SHIFT click the [ x ] at the bottom of the advertisement asking you to register your copy of SAM and the bunny starts to dance.

When you click the bunny when it's dancing, click it's nose and it brings you to a credits full screen mode with JJ Mkay (Voiceover) holding a can of "Whoop Ash".

Click the can of "Whoops Ash" and you play a weird flight simulator game. A lot of work but VERY worth while.

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