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Adobe Flash CS4 - Credits Displays

Suggested by: HaxXesS, 30 Oct 2008 | Print version

You may have noticed, but the new Adobe CS4 was recently released. In this time I have found a few eggs. Two of them are new and the other one is the same but is different.

In Adobe Flash CS4 go to Help > About Adobe Flash CS4 Professional.
It should come up with a window and will start rolling the credits.

Somewhere on the credit window there is a line which says:
"Adobe(C) Flash(C) CS4 Professional"
(The (C) are copyright symbols)

In Flash the (C) will look like a little dot. While the credits are rolling click on the (C) next to Adobe and keep clicking...

After a few clicks the credits will slow down and if you clicked it enough times it will eventualy start going backwards (reversing).

Now click on the (C) after Flash while the credits are rolling (like the step above).

If you keep clicking it the credits will start speeding up.
You can press the (C) after Adobe to slow it down if you want to.

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